Jul 20, 2009


Okay for all of you that voted girl, you would be WRONG!!!!! ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!! Jeff and I are very thrilled. Jacob William Bogda will be arriving late November, early December. Thank you to everybody that voted it was fun seeing who thought what.
I know that I have not posted the promised pictures yet but we are still waiting to find a new cord for our laptop. Molly, the dog, chewed through the laptop cord so it no longer charges. I'm using my phone to write this. I don't know how well pictures would load, so I'm not going to try. Hopefully I will be able to find a new cord soon so I can put up some new pictures.

Jul 11, 2009

New Pictures

Im going to put new pictures on the blog in the next few days. But if you cant wait to see the girls if you go to www.mrcsphotos.com click on client proofing, session id is Chelsea Bogda. You will find beautiful pictures of the girls dressed up a flower fairies. 
Jeff and I will find out the sex of the baby on the 20th.